14 hours and 55mins later, the end was in sight after completing the South West 50K Ultra Challenge. I need to thank Ultra Challenge, the Trek Masters and all the people getting me to the finish. An emotional journey seen for many.
But most of all, I want to thank YOU. You have helped me on my way to complete the walk. Your donations will help us purchase land to get a dedicated garden for babies lost through miscarriage. A very important healing place to comfort grieving parents whilst having a place to lay their baby to rest.
A garden to recognise them whilst they are officially missing them from their family tree. An area to show families they are important in this world and are no longer hidden with those that are registered or have lived. A garden to reunite the whole family so they can be together in a peaceful and tranquil setting.
For each hill I was walking in silence to catch my breath, it was nothing compared to the heavy grief parents carry in silence for their lifetime after losing their beloved baby. Struggling to come to terms with losing a baby and not having a birth certificate leaves Mums and Dads mentally confused and alone.
As the terrain changed, I was hoping to make change and a difference. For even in our modern times, baby loss is still unknown to many. It affects people in ways we cannot express as society does not understand. Help us make a difference and break the taboo and silence.
My feet have been battered, but Thank You. For you will help us on our journey to help those baby angels that are already in the skies and those that will sadly be sent.
Thank you – Couch to 50K. x x